Sunday 8 September 2013

Nigeria and its religiousity.

Nigeria is one of the world's most regious nation no doubt but ironically it is bedevilled by an astronomically high rate of corruption, violence and crime, unemployment, nepotism, tribalism, ethnic marginalization and the list goes on! There are countless churches and mosques in almost every nook and cranny and one begins to wonder who is failing in its responsibility. Is it the worshippers or the God that is worshipped? The God that is worshipped has a set standard as exemplified in the bible with respect to christians and the quaran with regards to the muslims. Let me narrow it down to these two as we also have the african traditional religious worshippers. God is believed to be parfect in ALL his ways if that is understood then the crux of the matter lies with the individual worshippers of these religions. A large number of these tend to be hypocritical which makes a mockery of the faith they profess thereby discouraging potential believers. I believe no one is forced to belong to any particular religion, if that be the case then it behoves on true worshippers to do as prescribed instead giving a bad name to the faith they profess. When they do this it is expected to impact positively on the society at large as there will less of the aformentioned problems. For example as a civil servant one is expected to obey the rules guiding your work ethics which is meant to promote government policies and programmes and not to be involved in corrupt practices that impact negatively on the society at large. I admonish us as believers of respective faiths to stop been hypocrital and trust your maker to help you do the right thing always and everywhere for a better and prosperous Nigeria!